Otsuka tosai mix (Quarantine)

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A vibrant, quality tosai mix of different varieties from Otsuka.

Breeder: Otsuka Koi Farm, Koguriyama, Ojiya, Japan.
Age: tosai
Size: TBA
Sex: Unknown
In quarantine - available mid-late March.
Shipping available after quarantine.

Otsuka Koi Farm is a well-respected Koi farm located in Koguriyama, Ojiya, Japan. Ran by Yoshikazu Otsuka, a 3rd-generation breeder, the farm began in the early 1960's and it widely reknown for it's incredible asagi. As well as asagi, Otsuka is known for breeding top quality Koi in many other varieties, with and without ginrin, such as goshiki, kage shiro utsuri, goromo, ki-utsuri, shusui and chagoi. The Aka Matsuba from Otsuka are also exceptional. The asagi are known for their exceptional growth and development alongside their striking colours and skin quality.

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